Help me

Logo HELP - ME

Logo Help me

HELP-ME is born from a need for Europe determined by continuous natural
disasters such as floods and earthquakes which require the delivery of assistance
from abroad in a very short time and see the people that has been struck down in
a situation of panic and difficulty of handling the situation.

1 ST PHASE OF PROJECT: partners was divided in 2 working groups based on which
calamity event they were interested. Each group was compared with each other
and with the third country, witness of international experiences in selected
calamity event. By workshops, seminars and webinar they discuss, compare their
reality, their action plans, their strong points and their weak points in emergency

2 ND PHASE: It has been developed an innovative ICT kit-set targeted at the
following groups: trainers, students of every order and degree, citizens,
volunteers involved in emergency situations. This tools include: educational mobile
app on catastrophic event (earthquake or flood). Users have to evaluate the
behaviors to be taken to deal with the emergency situation.

App Help me:

The app is available in the languages of the partners.

3 RD PHASE: Trainers has been involved. They were trained to the use and the ICT
kit; they increased their digital skills because of the training on how, where and
which activities use in the kit.

Project code  2014-1-IT02-KA200-004149


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] and all its contents reflect the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein